The Documents tab in WebAdmin displays all the documents corresponding to a particular procedure. These include, but are not limited to, consent to treatment forms, anesthesia records, and billing reports.
You can search for documents by day of surgery (DOS), patient information, revisions, or validity. The tab will show you the total number of cases and a list of patients. On this list, you will see the DOS, patient name (including MRN and account number), procedures performed, attending anesthesiologist, and links to the documents in PDF format.
Click each link to view the document in your browser and download it. You can also print the document. Billing reports will show as a separate webpage, which you can print.
A document that is not signed will show the Unsigned alert next to the name. Click Preview to see it.
If a document has revisions, the username, date, and time of the revision will show next to the document name. Click # Revisions to see more information.
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